Cake cafe owners with open sign

5 Tips to Consider when Launching your Own Business

If launching a business and being successful at it was easy as entering a store to purchase a piece of your favourite cake,  more than 4% of the newly launched businesses will manage to reach the 10-year mark. 

Almost everyone’s dream is to have their own thriving business, however launching a successful business is no small feat. If you want to launch a business and be successful at it, start putting things in place early enough to give yourself a higher chance of success.

Without further ado, here are some tips that can be adapted to starting a business, regardless of what sector your business operates in. Let’s dive in.


Black small business owner smiling at the camera while standing in her shop. Happy businesswoman managing her clothing orders on a laptop. Young female entrepreneur running an online clothing store.
Young female entrepreneur running an online clothing store.

Do Your Research And Come Up With A Plan

A popular quote says “failing to plan is planning to fail”. This rings true as one of the most important aspects of doing anything. 

Nonetheless, the most important aspect of planning is to figure out the most salient questions of what, why, how, and when. The Answers to these questions are important as they will help you figure out and understand what makes your business different. You can then follow up with lots of research. Coming up with a plan without research is as bad as not having a plan. 

A plan for a new business has to anticipate and address almost any question that may arise during the actual process. 

That said, a business plan should encompass the business idea/product, target audience, market conditions, and competitor analysis, structure, and source of funding. It will act as a sort of map for your business, validate and put your thoughts and hopes into writing. Moreso, it will convince and answer questions from anyone who wishes to commit to your business. 

Your plan should cover and address all and any questions such parties may have. Questions like what product/service to sell and how it will be sold. How the business is structured, and how the capital will be gotten and used. What other requirements are needed among other things? It should show that you have done your best to anticipate issues and suggest solutions to such problems beforehand.

It should also serve as a guide down the line even though you can amend it as situations change over time.

Get Your Documentation In Order

Before you proceed, your business whether online or physical should have the necessary documentation sorted before it is operational. This is to ensure it is a legal entity. 

Though the documentation requirements can be more or less. It depends on the type of business you are running or intend to run. Importantly, register the business name, and get applicable permits and licensing to ensure your business is not disrupted nor resources wasted when you begin operations. 

You should also ask questions and seek expert advice to make sure that these documents are filed properly and all requirements are understood concerning the structure of your business. In many instances, the requirements or documentation for a business varies at each level of government. 

It can also be based on structure, so getting proper help will ensure that this is reflected in how it is done.

Get Your Finances Together.

Once you get your business plan and documentation in order, you can then proceed to get your finances together via savings, salary, loans from family or corporate institutions. 

Your type of business structure is what determines how you source your funding. Some will only require minimal amounts that can be gotten from savings or family and friends. While others will need business loans or venture capital financing. 

Financing your business is not just about your start-up capital or where it comes from. It is also about how you handle your profit, income, and expenses over time. Being diligent with the money for your business is very essential. Many businesses have gone down the drain as a result of money mismanagement and reckless financial decisions. The proper structure must be put in place to manage your business income and keep it separated from any other.

Be Solution Oriented

Going through the difficult process of launching or putting your business out there will tax you mentally and physically. It will involve doing a million and one things almost at the same but it doesn’t have to be so. A way is to find and join a community of doers on Swaptime that can proffer solutions to specific skills you need to grow your business

Another major tip that will work at all stages of your business is to be solution-oriented. Your business should provide a solution or solutions. The steps taken to set up your business and the way you put your business out should continually remind your audience that you are solution-oriented by fixing a e real customer pain.

This is because people usually resonate with solution-oriented businesses. Even if it means paying a premium for your service or product as you are selling a combination of value, the product/service, and brand experience which should all reflect. The best resources/tools or services are not determined by cost but rather by what return it’s giving for the amount paid. 

Customer satisfaction is the result you should pursue. That’s because the opinion of your customers will go a long way to aid the success of your business. The happiness your customers derive from your business will stem from not only the product or business but their overall experience.

So, it’s important to optimize everything and give the impression of a solution-oriented company

Never Stop Growing

This is a very important tip to always remember as change and growth are very essential to the health of any business. 

Gaining knowledge is a life-long process. A business owner should constantly research their industry, competitors, the markets they exist in and so many other areas. This puts them at an advantage and contributes to develop strategies for sales, marketing, and structure as they are the key areas of any existing business. 

Knowledge also contributes to innovation. Innovative ideas will help make your product/ service visible to your audience, and convert visibility to sales. Also, it will streamline your business process to be optimal and ensure your business grows at a good pace. 

Remember that growth is not just about new ideas or concepts. Be consistent with tried and tested methods that give results. A combination of learning and finding new ways to apply your learning is a continuous business cycle.